Maya Kaqchikel
Paula López Domingo Speaks
* As with all other articles on the Tomorrow’s Ancestors Speak video pages, this article is meant only as an accompaniment to the video message containing the speakers’ main ideas.
Shortly after reaching Tecpán, a quaint city located within the Chimaltenango region of Guatemala, we arrived at the residence of Mayan Elder, Paula Lopez. A mother of five boys, Paula contributes to the over 90% of indigenous peoples – mostly descendants of Kaqchikel Maya – who make up Tecpán’s population of nearly 20,000 inhabitants. Crossing through Paula’s tree and plant adorned yard, several lines of colorful clothing transected the space and danced with the wind, while numerous birds joyfully sang under what remained of the day’s sun.
We were welcomed into Paula’s uplifting residence with great warmth and hospitality. As we exchanged our initial introductions, I observed that everything within her home consisted of Mayan artwork, sacred symbolism, and musical instruments. As she began to speak, I noticed that she emitted light all around her – the more that she spoke, the more the room seemed to glow. She opened by telling us about the staff resting within the center of her living room altar that had temporarily been entrusted to her by the 9th Circle of Wise Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the Planet.
A head of the noble Condor was carved into the top of the wooden staff, and numerous bright woven threads and feathers graced the staff’s neck. The staff symbolized the Wise Grandmothers and Grandfather’s commitment to all inhabitants of planet Earth, and to saving this great Mother from our destructive ways. The staff had traveled extensively throughout Central and South America, as well as through a few key areas of Europe. According to Paula, the staff uses its tremendous energy to help cleanse these and other areas where it visits. Paula also joyfully acknowledged the union of this Condor staff (representing the South) with the Eagle feather (representing the North) on our Tomorrows Ancestors Speak staff.
Following the initial introductions we were warmly greeted with hand-patted corn tortillas made fresh before our eyes, accompanied by a mortar of coarse sea salt. Grateful to contribute to the meal, we offered our refried beans and chili sauce. Once nourished, we sipped on coffee and listened to Paula’s youngest son bring forth beauteous melodies on the marimba. A short prayer was then offered before we began our journey down to the Water flowing from one of the areas many Sacred springs. Along the way we participated in several more prayers, as well as a Mayan ceremony at one of the regions four alters. During this ceremony Paula expressed her commitment to the Creator and to Creation, and asked for permission to share her wisdom with us. Through a birds call, she was granted this permission and we were granted the gift of some of her unique knowledge.
Paula taught us how one of the central teachings of Mayan philosophy is that Life does not belong to the human being alone. According to Mayan philosophy, Life belongs to all of Nature – to the Water, the stones, the plants, the animals; to all that there is on Earth. So having Life means fulfilling the responsibility of thinking about more than just the Life of the human being. Mayan philosophy also states that humans are Mother Earth’s youngest children, following the animals who were themselves preceded by the plants. Accordingly, we as Earth’s youngest children must then learn to take care of the plants and animals, and to respect Mother Earth. Mother Earth not only provides our food and everything that we need to (beautifully) survive, but she is also how our ancestors came to be and from whom our descendants will potentially arise. Paula states,
“If we harm the Water, we harm ourselves. If we harm the Earth, we harm ourselves. If we harm the plants, then we’re going to hurt ourselves – the animals and everything are going to be ruined. That’s why we are not supposed to harm Mother Earth.”
On Mother Earth this life is given through the presence of Water. According to Paula, this Water that permeates all Earthly existence has much to teach us. To her, Water not only gives Life to the plants, animals, and humanity, but brings forth clarity, peace, and happiness to those who she lives within and amongst (Water being a feminine force in Mayan philosophy). Additionally, as Water possesses cleansing abilities, she is capable of cleansing us both physically and spiritually. For example, Paula feels that if a person needs a spiritual cleansing, that they can go to the edge of a river or lake and cleanse themselves – leaving their negative energy there. Following the video interview, Hugo, Asi, and myself were fortunate enough to be given such a refreshing blessing from the Water – an experience not to be forgotten.
These are but a few of the sweet teachings that Paula has shared with others throughout her remarkable life spent defending women, indigenous Mayans, and Mother Earth. She has concentrated her energies on these three areas as she feels that they are the ones who need it most. Paula supports and defends women, specifically Mayan women, with the desire of easing the suffering that arises from not only being Mayan, but from being a woman and poor as well. She utilizes the Mayan calendar to motivate them to feel important as women, and to know that each one of them brings forth an important mission here on Earth. She also contributes this message of power to all indigenous people. They too are poor and suffer greatly after having had their lands invaded and after (often) having being displaced of everything that they once received power from. Finally, she has spent her life courageously defending Nature as she is firmly convinced that as humanity is a part of Nature, we should never allow it to be harmed.
Throughout our time spent with Paula a sustained feeling of gratitude was threaded within the workings of each passing moment. Every thought that she verbally conveyed, and each action that she physically engaged, was preceded by a sincere expression of immense gratitude. This gratitude was given to the Creator, to Mother Earth, the Water, the Ancestors, the land and energy of a specific location, the individuals surrounding her, and indeed to all forms of Life – to the opportunity to participate in this mysterious Earthly experience. This message, though not directly intended to be a message, was one of the most important messages that one could hear. Gratitude is both an acknowledgment of a gift being offered to you (in whatever form it may be), as well as an intention to carry forth one’s life in a manner that continues to honor this gift and the energies involved in its creation. I welcome you all to gratefully hear Paula’s messages and to choose to use your every thought, word, and action to honor and respect all that is. Thank you so very much.